Friday, February 21, 2014

I'm Out For Presidents to Represent Me

By. Brien Winston As Americans we expect a lot of things from our president and rightfully so because in a way he is representing our whole Country. There are many different Qualities that make an up a good president. With that being said it’s all based on your beliefs and opinions, because if everyone knew what makes a good president we would choose the right man or woman every time. Race and gender has nothing to do with qualities that make a good President or any other job for that matter. I’m going to give some qualities that make a good President in my opinion. First and for most he has to be smart enough to select the right people to fill in positions that the president is supposed to pick. The only reason I say he is because there hasn’t been a female President yet. He must be a good motivator because he has to have all his appointed people ready to get jobs done. He must be humble enough to take criticisms and opinions of people that he selected to help him do his job. He also must be honest and have a genuine feeling of wanting to better our Country. He must be well qualified and have a good background to support him because this job is the most stressful one there is and without good support it can really take a toile on a man. He must have good communication skills because if he cannot talk to or relate to the public he will catch the wrath of the people that voted him in. He must deal with crisis well all the best Presidents are known for dealing with a big crisis like, Jefferson’s Louisiana Purchase and Lincoln’s Civil War. Persistence is an important trait for any job or leader because something’s will not go his way sometimes but if he keeps pushing it eventually it might work out; giving up can never be an option as a president. He must be likeable because believe if you seem like a better man than the person you are running against you have a large chance of getting the votes. The most obvious trait he must have is leadership, if he cannot lead he will not get picked or he will be impeached it is as simple as that.

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