Friday, January 31, 2014

West Virginia Water

By. Brien W After reading the article I am very shocked at how this went unnoticed for so long I wonder how long the chemicals were in the water. It’s quite scary to think about because water is so essential to people’s lives so when it is affected by a chemical; that means where ever counties water supply is affected all the people in the county is affected. I wasn’t personally affected by the spill but I have a bunch of friends who live in Charleston and I know two of them came back to school early because they didn’t want to have to be cautious about the water they drink and bathe in. I think that they should check the water hourly every day because like I said early it’s so essential to everyone’s life that it can’t be tainted or a lot of people can and will get sick. I think that once they found out about the chemicals in the water that they reacted effectively and told people to stop using it so in that retrospect they did a good job. In conclusion I feel like they must be more diligent and careful when it comes to water because they caught it this time next time it might be worst.

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